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Photo: Jussi Ratilainen for Nefco

Our approach to impact

Nefco focuses on financing with a ‘bottom-up’ approach.

In our financing activities we assess: 
  • the potential environmental benefit of the project 
  • the potential adverse effects
  • the potential for scaling up or replicating the project solution or technology
  • the results of the project on an annual basis during implementation and after completion until the loan has been repaid or until the exit phase
We apply strict procedures for environmental and social assessments, project management and monitoring, as well as financial and integrity due diligence. We assess every project by thoroughly studying its potential impact on sustainability, society and gender issues. 
Our financing activities seek to demonstrate the scale-up potential of green solutions in new markets. Therefore, we also consider the potential of the solutions to be replicated. In addition, we help project owners build capacity to attract and mobilise new private investments. 
We evaluate project proposals and expected impacts against the EU Taxonomy, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our own environmental and sustainability criteria, as well as other relevant benchmarks. 
See How we assess impact on our website for more information.

Environmentally friendly solution for ballast water treatment

Up to 10 billion tonnes of ballast water are discharged by the shipping industry into the world’s seas, lakes and rivers each year. This discharge poses a serious environmental and economic threat, as ballast water can contain invasive species and microorganisms. 
Bawat, a Nordic company founded in 2011, provides an environmentally friendly solution for ballast water treatment. Bawat’s system uses heat to pasteurise ballast water, making it a simple, cost-efficient, flexible and sustainable solution that requires no harmful chemicals, UV lights, or filters. 
A loan agreement with Nefco is enabling Bawat to expand its global sales network, increase awareness of its brand and technology and develop its capacity for technical support and delivery.
“We work with a ‘bottom-up’ approach to anchor sustainability in our clients’ business plans and daily operations.”