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Photo: Jussi Ratilainen for Nefco

Organisation and our own footprint

Staff members
23-66 yrs
Age range
Nefco staff comprises both direct employees and long-term consultants. Nefco’s headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland, and we also operate a Representative Office in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Values for all of us
Thrive together
We embrace our diversity and show trust, respect and appreciation towards our colleagues. We foster a no-blame culture and have fun together. By being inclusive we invite ideas, innovation, trust and friendship.
Grow for good
We inspire each other to grow as humans and as professionals. We encourage improvement and learning, and learning from mistakes. By sharing information and knowledge we boost each other along the way.
Ever improving
We are committed to add value to anything and everything we do for our cause. By doing our own work as well as we can, we help others do the same. By simplifying our structures and processes we speed up the way we work.

Our internal carbon footprint

In line with our objective to have a positive impact on the climate and environment, we believe it is important to measure, monitor, report and manage our own footprint.
In 2023, our carbon footprint was 239.8 tonnes, a 53.5% decrease from the previous year, which was affected by office renovation work. Specifically, our greenhouse emissions per permanent full-time employee have decreased, from 12 to 4.3 tonnes CO2 per employee. Nevertheless, achieving complete zero emissions in the foreseeable future is not feasible due to a substantial portion of our carbon footprint stemming from business travel. Some level of travel will remain essential for overseeing and supervising our investments on-site.
Emissions per permanent fulltime employee

Ethics and compliance

To efficiently manage risks related to compliance and integrity, Nefco has an Ethics and Compliance function that leads work on integrity, ethics and accountability. This function supports staff and management in identifying and managing integrity risks as well as leading the development and implementation of policies, rules and procedures related to ethics and integrity.
Further details about activities in 2023 are available in the separate Ethics & Compliance 2023 report.
Compas in a hand
“Our greenhouse emissions per employee have decreased significantly.”