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Photo: Karin Beate Nøsterud

Outlook and possible next steps

The pilot companies will continue their work individually with the support of the materials produced during the programme. They have also received well-structured materials summarising the results, lessons learnt and guidance on continuing their biodiversity efforts, including insights on reporting. 
The programme outlines four key building blocks Nefco can use to further develop its existing Biodiversity Roadmap:
  1. Ambition level and commitment
  2. Integrating biodiversity into financing and financial mechanisms
  3. Capacity building, partnerships and innovation
  4. Monitoring and reporting
To define the outlook and possible next steps, three main categories of actions have been identified within the roadmap building blocks:
  1. Setting targets and objectives
  2. Portfolio analysis and research
  3. Partnerships
In the areas of capacity building, partnerships and innovation, Nefco has a great opportunity to foster a positive organisational culture for biodiversity. By continuing dialogue with key organisations and exploring possible participation in biodiversity-related pledges, Nefco can make significant strides.
Other next steps for Nefco could include further portfolio analysis to assess the presence of biodiversity-enhancing measures in supported projects and to prioritise biodiversity-relevant components, as well as benchmarking results against other financial institutions. Developing an extended biodiversity programme to scale up the results and lessons learnt from the pilot projects could also be beneficial.
A light house on a small island in the sea
Key actions and processes for Nefco's biodiversity work
Key actions and processes for Nefco
“Nefco has a great opportunity to foster a positive organisational culture for biodiversity.”